Tuesday, March 15, 2005

About Me

  • I was 6 foot 1 and weighed 125 pounds when I graduated from High School
  • I fudged my weight on my draft registration and told them I weighed 134 pounds
  • I was known as Strider for a time while in College. It’s an old joke instigated by one of my girlfriends. I used to be seen hiking through the snow wearing a floppy hat and carrying a walking staff ... the whole thing.
  • I was also known as Cognac Tom due to my preference in adult beverages. (18 was legal drinking age back then)
  • I managed to get my weight up to 155 pounds by College graduation by eating everything in sight
  • I am now nearly twice the man I was when I graduated from High School
  • Now I look more like Dilbert than Strider.
  • You used to be able to find a picture of me by Googling “Tom Dilbert Tie”
  • I have skied since I was 4 or 5 years old
  • It took me forever to learn to swim
  • Now normal lap swims are a ¼ mile and workouts are longer
  • When I sing (which I don’t do much anymore), I sing Bass or Octavo
  • My normal voice pitch is a couple half steps above Thurl Ravenscroft’s voice
  • I do sound like a seven foot man who has been smoking cigarettes since childhood
  • My voice would be lower if I smoked
  • I don’t talk about my work other than to say that I am an Engineer who works with Computers
  • There are very few people who are interested in the kind of work I do, you are not one of them
  • I used to tell people about what I do, but their eyes would roll up into their heads and their brains would leak out their ears
  • It was not a pretty sight, so I don’t do it any more